A young man who aspires to become a big-shot businessman, finds himself in a twist of fate. Despite trying his hand at various jobs, success eludes him, and he unexpectedly ends up in Osaka's Shinimamiya district. With empty pockets, he stumbles upon an invitation to the 'Gokuraku Toruko' establishment, becoming a patron. Led by the enchanting Ibohachi, he becomes entangled with the charismatic hostesses, including the captivating Tama. This leads him to infiltrate Tama's apartment complex, Sakura-so. Within its walls reside a colorful cast of characters, from hostesses Chie, Akemi, Yukari, and Kayoko to the quirky parasites like Masao, Tetsuo, Arima, and more. Seeking a fresh start, He embarks on a journey as a 'parasite,' but things take unexpected turns...
A young man who aspires to become a big-shot businessman, finds himself in a twist of fate. Despite trying his hand at various jobs, success eludes him, and he unexpectedly ends up in Osaka's Shinimamiya district. With empty pockets, he stumbles upon an invitation to the 'Gokuraku Toruko' establishment, becoming a patron. Led by the enchanting Ibohachi, he becomes entangled with the charismatic hostesses, including the captivating Tama. This leads him to infiltrate Tama's apartment complex, Sakura-so. Within its walls reside a colorful cast of characters, from hostesses Chie, Akemi, Yukari, and Kayoko to the quirky parasites like Masao, Tetsuo, Arima, and more. Seeking a fresh start, He embarks on a journey as a 'parasite,' but things take unexpected turns...
Antonio, a Neapolitan merchant in Istanbul, knows the prostitute Linda, known as Lulu, in Paris, ignoring his profession. After robbing his patron, Ciro, of a fine little bundle, the girl embarks the young man on a ship bound for Turkey, after having been drugged, and, on waking, makes him believe that he married him. —Ulf Kjell Gür
Virginia tumbles into a wild and thrilling new world of sexual liberation when she moves in with a group of polyamorous party animals, including the charming but commitment-phobic Jake.
Nicole, a coed and three of her friends invites four male university students over for a weekend of love.
Welcome to lush Dinosaur Island, where a tribe of gorgeous cavedwelling warrior women satisfy the exotic fantasies of five downed military airmen. Fearsome battles with the island's ferocious maneating dinosaurs are the only disruption of their seductive pleasures on this island paradise. Narrowly surviving with their lives, the rugged men fall under the seductive spell of their lovely captors and soon find their every dream fulfilled.
A young German pacifist finds documents in an old castle that prove Hitler didn't kill himself in April 1945, but fled to Spain disguised as a monk, and now works as a comedian in a remote town. He finds the former Führer in a small theater rehearsing a Charlot parody.
A once-esteemed psychiatrist helplessly watches her life spiral into a nightmarish maelstrom of supernatural hysteria and gruesome deaths, all linked to a seemingly unstoppable ancient curse.
Four fans of the famous singer Mine Mutlu cross-paths during a sea voyage and hatch a plan to kidnap their idol.
Meet photographer, Chet. He's obsessed with finding "Miss Right." And it looks like Jazz will fit the bill. After all, she has all the right parts, in all the right places, and it's all the right size! (Plus, she was the "body double" for Julie Roberts in Pretty Woman!) She's the leader of an unemployed all - female band. And her buddy Mad Dog knows a perfect way to help Jazz out - he'll put on a bikini contest that will draw everyone's attention. Everyone - including the cops! And when Chet, Jazz and Mad Dog end up as roommates in a beach house, they're in for a summer they'll never forget. And neither will you!
1936. In a village in the Bassa Padana, a beautiful and shapely forty-year-old girl is aunt of some boys in the middle of their sexual maturity.
Jamie is a makeup artist for a local bikini contest on the beautiful South Beach of Miami. Her life appears to be falling apart when her boyfriend leaves her in a jealous rage. Her wild and gorgeous friends, Dev and Bink, convince her to be a contestant in the contest while her ex-boyfriend's bumbling private detective hilariously tries to track her. In a transformation of innocence to high-profile model, Jamie heats up Miami at South Beach.
Keiko is the new owner of a local television station, and she's determined to succeed, no matter what! But the rival TV station will stop at nothing to crush her, and one by one, Keiko's new programs are humiliatingly sabotaged. When the weather woman falls victim to an underhanded trick, Keiko decides that she's through being nice. While filling in for the stricken reporter, she flashes her underwear, making her weather forecast an instant hit! What follows is an outrageously sexy contest - which judges skimpy costumes and arm wrestling instead of beauty and talent - to determine who will be the reigning weather woman!
Yoo-jin appears in the dreams of Dong-jae who is a host for lonely women at night. She appears in real life, asking him for help. What she needs is to sleep with him once. Yoo-jin was a virgin ghost and she needed Dong-jae to help her to go back to the after world. However, he doesn't want to sleep with her because she used to be his crush and he'd been waiting to see her in his dreams and in real life. He is afraid sleeping with her will make him lose her. Will he sleep with her or continue to live with her like this?
Anna is a woman who works at a coffee shop, to raise funds for a party of underprivileged minors. The owner of Anna's coffee shop is Lee Seung Chul. This person is a fetishist in voyeurism and rumors say he is an employee killer. Lee Seung Chul begins to feel attracted to Anna and talks to her friend, who said she had a famous friend chef in pursuit too. The chef is Kim Dong-jin, who works as a gangster evildoer. Who will be with Anna?
Bohemian photographer Ivy, burdened by troubled marriage, starts a steamy affair with painter Elias, whose studio is in the same building as hers. Ivy gets swept up in whirlwind of passion, intrigues and lies, but soon her lighthearted affair becomes toxic, painful and tearful addiction. Ivy realizes that this relationship is destroying her and everyone around her. What is love? How is it born and why is it so fragile? Is ecstasis the pinnacle of human relationship?
The all-powerful Stripper Magician shows you her plethora of magical powers