On the occasion of his last regulars’ table in his old neighbourhood of Schwabing, the laconic pensioner Schorsch gets paid a cab drive to his new home in Neuperlach in the outskirts of the city by his pals. But Schorsch rather wants to take one last look at his old downtown apartment which he had renovated himself after the war, and where he had lived for almost forty years until his landlord bullied him out of there as the latter wanted to use the space for expensive luxury apartments. Because Schorsch’s wife wanted to move to “the countryside”, they thereupon moved to the Neuperlach development site in the outskirts of Munich. But amongst the uniformly looking housing blocks, Schorsch can’t even find his new apartment, and so, the grumpy cabdriver Gustl becomes his companion on a nightly odyssey.
On the occasion of his last regulars’ table in his old neighbourhood of Schwabing, the laconic pensioner Schorsch gets paid a cab drive to his new home in Neuperlach in the outskirts of the city by his pals. But Schorsch rather wants to take one last look at his old downtown apartment which he had renovated himself after the war, and where he had lived for almost forty years until his landlord bullied him out of there as the latter wanted to use the space for expensive luxury apartments. Because Schorsch’s wife wanted to move to “the countryside”, they thereupon moved to the Neuperlach development site in the outskirts of Munich. But amongst the uniformly looking housing blocks, Schorsch can’t even find his new apartment, and so, the grumpy cabdriver Gustl becomes his companion on a nightly odyssey.
Detectives B. Kolobok and M. Kolobok are investigating the missing striped elephant.
Detectives B. Kolobok and M. Kolobok are pursuing the smuggler Karbofos, who has stolen a striped elephant from the zoo.
An omnibus special comprised of five segments.
The film is based myths of the ancient Peruvians, recreated Soviet ethnographers Yuri Beryozkin on drawings Indians Mochica. The action takes place 1,500 years ago. Legend tells of two brothers, demigods, brought the sacred frog. Growing up, the brothers went to the human world, giving them a lot of happiness and a refuge from the evil monsters. But one of the monsters Rikuay survived the battle with his brothers. He deceived his younger brother, went to his centipede, which led him to ally Rica - a witch, who asked his younger brother to give people a weapon that start killing people. Only the intervention of the gods, and his older brother saved people from total destruction
Six strangers are sitting in a conference room. They’re in a focus group, but how much is there really to say about yoghurt? There’s so much more to discover about each other.
One winter, a ravenous ogre terrorizes the land of King Balthasar. Meanwhile, a blizzard is brewing in Léon’s heart. Braving the cold, this adopted bear cub runs away from home. Léon has many an adventure during his travels. He befriends a hedgehog and an elephant, confronts an ogre, and sets Princess Molly Gingerbread free. His courage and integrity eventually lead him back to his family. In the end, the cub earns everybody’s respect.
Not to be confused with Ocelot's 2011 feature film, Tales of the Night is a made for TV silhouette animation. It is a compilation of 3 fairy tale like stories, bridged by sequences of a boy and girl in an abandoned theater.
Short film directed by Claude Cailloux for the French TV channel TF1 that marked Marion Cotillard's film debut. The adventures of 6-year-old Marion and her dog, narrated by her big sister. Marion decides to wander around Paris with her dog and will discover that a city is not really made for children and dogs.
Maria is an actress, someone who is used to playing with and acting on feelings, her own as well as others’. However, behind the role there is a disappointed person who does not feel she has achieved what she wanted in life. All this changes when she is cast for the leading role in a play.
Edyth Fellows is a nurse recruited for an research project with a time travel device that can snatch any being from any time and bring it to the present. The first such test brings an Neanderthal child to the project and Fellows is responsible for his care for the interim. As she manages this task, Fellows is increasingly revolted at how the scientists dismiss him as little more than an animal, especially when his real intelligence shows. This growing moral dilemma comes to a head when Fellows realizes what they plan to do with him and she cannot stand by and let it happen.
Internet comedian Carl Déman from the humor group JLC lived a life that looked glorious. But beneath the surface was a terrible gambling addiction that almost cost him his life. In 2019, he and other gambling addicts struggle to stay afloat in a contemporary age marinated in gambling advertising. Carl wants to ask those who make the advertising how they think and wonders why the advertising profiles now also come from the world of culture and entertainment.
Through one woman's experience as an adopted person and also as a mother who relinquished her child in 1971, this documentary highlights the many complex issues associated with adoption.
Tis the season for the cheer and charm of the Peanuts kids - and this delight special offers five segments full of unforgettable moments. Snoopy works as a bell-ringer to raise money and tries making peace with the ferocious cat next door. Linus strives to strike the right tone in his letter to Santa - and his friendship with an indecisive girl at school. Sally's idea about gift giving and the identity of Santa may be unusual - but her strange notion about how to obtain a Christmas tree surprisingly does the job. Lucy tries awfully hard to be nice...and still coax everyone around her to buy her presents. Charlie Brown and Sally wait up for Santa (a surprisingly short man), who spreads Christmas gift cheer further than they had thought. Make merry!
The Once-ler, a ruined industrialist, tells the tale of his rise to wealth and subsequent fall, as he disregarded the warnings of a wise old forest creature called the Lorax about the environmental destruction caused by his greed.
The Bokelberg photographic collection brings to life the Paris of the Belle Époque (1871-1914), an exhibition of workshops and stores with extremely beautiful shop windows before which the owners and their employees proudly pose, hiding behind their eyes the secret history of a great era.
Warning children not to play near 'dark and lonely' water, a horror film style look and voice-over is used in this film to highlight the dangers.
Dr. Harvey Wallinger is one of Nixon's aides who rises through the ranks to become the "real" power behind the president.