A psychologist faces the case that will challenge his foolproof technique: the patient needs to forget something that he cannot remember. In this mental challenge, every step towards healing is a step beyond the edges of reason.
Paulo Eduardo Kelley
A psychologist faces the case that will challenge his foolproof technique: the patient needs to forget something that he cannot remember. In this mental challenge, every step towards healing is a step beyond the edges of reason.
The film follows college student, Rowan (Caden Aiello), as he struggles against his fear of the unknown.
Jerry is a strange and solitary boy who lives with his young neglectful mother in a run down apartment. He spends his weekends hidden away in his bedroom making model figurines and watching TV alone. While investigating a damp stain on his bedroom wall, Jerry peels off some wallpaper, revealing a seductive alien orifice growing behind the plaster. After spending an ever increasing amount of time in his bedroom exploring and inspecting the alien creature, Jerry embarks on his first sexual experience. After numerous encounters between Jerry and the creature, it becomes pregnant. Filled with panic and guilt, Jerry attempts to abort the alien creature, leading to a horrific outcome which neither himself nor his mother will ever forget.
From the study of his rundown English manor, an old British Professor instructs the audience as to the dangers associated with vampires, and exactly how to kill them. Scenes from Roman Polanski's horror/comedy classic, The Fearless Vampire Killers, are interspersed throughout.
Victor is new to his job as a s Security guard. He has some lofty ideals and does not want to be a bad guy. but the job is worse than he thought.
A happy little potter is approached by a huge hand which wants him to sculpt its statue. The potter refuses, wanting nothing more than to be left alone with his only friend, a potted plant. As the hand's request gives way to bribery, demands, and threats, the potter becomes more desperate to escape its clutch, leading to tragedy.
A young boy named Max who, after dressing in his wolf costume, wreaks such havoc through his household that he is sent to bed without his supper. Max's bedroom undergoes a mysterious transformation into a jungle environment, and he winds up sailing to an island inhabited by malicious beasts known as the "Wild Things." After successfully intimidating the creatures, Max is hailed as the king of the Wild Things and enjoys a playful romp with his subjects. However, he starts to feel lonely and decides to return home, to the Wild Things' dismay. Upon returning to his bedroom, Max discovers a hot supper waiting for him.
A deceased filmmaker experiences a posthumous dream in which he attempts to reunite with his wife. (Homage to Italian film director Federico Fellini in the year of the centennial celebration of his birth.)
Hungry for sun, light and warmth, a group of teenagers embark on a dream trip to the Balearic Islands.
In a distant planetoid, an industrious but hapless old farmer strives to make his vegetables flourish, however, to no avail.
A tennis player struggles with the paranoia of a brief encounter.
At the beginning of the scene Romeo in his gondola sings to Juliet a sentimental song, then goes away. Hardly has he departed when the colonnade falls to pieces, disclosing the devil. Juliet, frightened, runs to the window and calls Romeo. The latter attempts to enter and protect his fiancée, but at a gesture from the devil the window is instantly covered with a grating and Romeo makes frantic efforts to break it. The devil begins to dance a wild dance before Juliet, who is beside herself from terror. The devil gradually becomes the size of a giant (a novel effect). Juliet implores the statue of Madonna, which becomes animated, descends from its pedestal, and stretching out its arms orders the devil to disappear. (Méliès Catalog)
Ghost Recon: Alpha sees a team led by Ghost Leader infiltrate a trade at a Russian depot between a general and a mysterious other figure.
At the court of the Yellow Emperor, the Majoon Traveler & Lady Firefly appear in the Hall of Unconscious Magnetism.