In a peaceful neighborhood life is quiet, but a traumatic past promises to change lives of people that live there, forever.
POWER. CONTROL. TERROR. The centre points of any dictatorship. The need for power, the want for tyrannical control and the subsequent terror unleashed to achieve their goals make dictators some of the most fascinating figures to study in history. In this series we will be looking at some of the 20th century's most notorious dictators, from their rise to power to their inevitable downfall.
Three injured, amnesiac, American immigrants named Red, White, and Blue are trapped in a small room and given “lessons” by a Uncle Sam carving with a radio in it. The doll demands order and the attention of its students, while leaving them in the dark about what happened to them, where they are, and exactly what the explosions and noises they hear outside are.
Pivoting around a novelist's fascinating story of a magic mirror--the extra-dimensional gate to a haunting realm--a Literature student locates her house, intent on crossing over. Will he ever find out what lurks hidden on the other side?
Young friends (Jordan Chan, Moses Chan, Farini Cheung) look for happiness but find only fleeting pleasure in barhopping and one-night stands.
An honest and heartfelt confession of a guy. A sharp return to reality.
Black Country, New Road performing tracks from 'For The First Time' and 'Ants From Up There' live from the Queen Elizabeth Hall