The story revolves around three characters Hasubhai (Siddharath Randeria), his daughter Kajal (Leena Shah) and his Manager Rasik (Ashish Bhatt). Having a typical Baniya mentality, Hasubhai wanted his daughter Kajal to marry his employee Rasik. However, Kajal is in love with an Ad film Maker. The laughter ride begins when Hasubhai and Rasik take the challenge to induce Kajal for marriage. Will Hasubhai and Rasik win the battle? To find out, watch this breathtaking humorous play. Starring: Siddharth Randeria, Ashish Bhatt, Sachi Joshi, Leena Shah, Rahul Patel, Suraj Vyas,Tanvi Abbas, Himanshu Upadhyay, Mulik Pathak, Krupa Chandera, Yatin Parmar Directed By Siddharth Randeria
Insane Tuesday debuted in São Paulo in 2001. The project was dedicated to the study of Brazilian comedy, to the transformation of actors into authors of their own characters and texts, and to the promotion of original productions of contemporary adult humor.
Bill Snibson, a chancer from Lambeth Walk in South London, is informed that he has been discovered to be the long-lost heir to a title and castle which he can claim provided he is able to convince his new relations that he has enough aristocratic bearing. Things soon begin to go awry however, particularly when Sally, Bill's girlfriend from Lambeth, turns up.
First performed in 1732, Marivaux's play on the theme of cross-dressing, depicts the stratagems of the young princess Léonide in love with Agis, the legitimate heir to the throne of Sparta. To meet the prince, watched over by the philosopher Hermocrates and his sister, Léonide disguises herself as a man and seduces the whole household.
Two neurotics, working for a suicide hotline on the night of Christmas Eve, get caught up in a catastrophe when a pregnant woman, her abusive boyfriend, and a transvestite visit their office.
A young Czech theater director has an ambition to adapt Eurypides' Phaedra. However, having affair with the actress, he puts his marriage at risk and the play turns to be a fiasco. Desperate, he tries to be the best possible father and husband. Not a perfect one.
Françoise and Jean-Jacques Lombard, very wealthy tax exiles whose fortune is based on the inventions of their husbands, are preparing to receive a couple of friends, Alicia and Grégoire Lagarde. He is a daddy's boy industrialist, She is a rich and stupid aristocrat. Everything could well happen if Alicia had not become infatuated with a spiritual coach who accompanies them to dinner. And inevitably, the varnish will end up cracking, especially when the guru will tell them the worst: their fortune is threatened.
Aldo and his girlfriend Lucy reopen an abandoned opera house, but find out that the place is inhabited by a group of Phantoms wearing the Claude Rains 1943 Phantom of the Opera costume.