A veteran hitman who has failed his job and returns to his hometown of Okinawa to escape from the organization's pursuit. Decades later, in Okinawa, he meets his nephew, a beautiful young man. He falls in love with the young man, but eventually the organization follows him to Okinawa and starts closing in on them...
A veteran hitman who has failed his job and returns to his hometown of Okinawa to escape from the organization's pursuit. Decades later, in Okinawa, he meets his nephew, a beautiful young man. He falls in love with the young man, but eventually the organization follows him to Okinawa and starts closing in on them...
Shoroku, who is said to be Naniwa's great detective, and his assistant Wato-kun are a gay couple. He has solved many difficult cases and is highly regarded by the Osaka Prefectural Police. One day, a case is brought to Shouroku. His younger brother, who used to work at a place called the Osawa Entertainment Agency, has gone missing, and this is a request from his older sister to find him. Seeing that Osawa, the president of the office, is suspicious, Shoroku begins an investigation, but...
Fuko, who lost her parents and lives alone in a single house, will work as a clerk, but a man who meets her first time with a business partner calls out to her for the first time in a while.
Sayuri, who aspires to become a teacher, is forced to kiss a student while working as a private tutor, which is viewed as a problem by the student's mother. Through no fault of his own, he was lectured by his girlfriend's biological mother, who is a university professor, and was forbidden from becoming a teacher, so he took a job as a clerk at the office run by her mother. As a result, she spent most of her days with her mother, such as going to lunch or shopping, and she was given a fiancé arranged by her mother, leading to her living the life of an extremely boxed daughter. Still, he felt rebellious, and with the help of his cousin Rumi, he finally found an environment where he could live on his own.
A mysterious transgender murder group wearing black dresses appears. It is a brutal method in which the targeted man are raped and then killed. Ohara is asked to investigate and discovers the existence of a gay man named Shimizu. However, Ohara, who has always been interested in relationships between men, ends up having an affair with Shimizu...
Toriko is a sexually frustrated wife who gets involved in swapping games with her neighbors.
A couple arrive by boat to a small fishing village where women dive for seafood. He is returning from a trip and he brings his latest girlfriend, a former hostess, with him. This causes jealousy with a local diver, a woman he had relationship with before he left. Meanwhile the other female divers find ways to satisfy themselves after a hard days work.
A young woman wanders aimlessly around a beach resort and has sex with various men.
A woman gets a Buddhist statue from her dying grandfather. She doesn’t know it but it is one of three stolen statutes from India that contain a secret. When a crooked Chinese art dealer and an Indian prince find out she has it they attempt to get it for themselves with silly results.
Yuji is an university student living with his older brother. When he runs into an old acquaintance on the street, the two begin an affair and Yuji ends up getting drawn into the world of S&M clubs, where men put up elaborate and decadent shows for their customers.
As a newspaper reporter listens to the confession of a wife who murdered her husband, the film shockingly depicts the process by which she discovers why she killed her husband, why she started working on street corners, and how she became deeply immersed in an affair that began as prostitution to relieve boredom...
Based on the infamous "Concrete-encased high school girl murder case" that took place from November 1988 to January 1989 in Japan. Junko Furuta, a female 17 year old high school student, was kidnapped and confined in a house by four other male high school students (all juvenile) in the Ayase district of Adachi-ku, Tokyo, where she was repeatedly raped, sexually humiliated and tortured in an extremely brutish manner for 41 days before she finally died after a particularly severe beating. The boys hid her body in a drum and filled it with concrete, but the body was nonetheless discovered a few months later.
A schoolgirl is desperate to lose her virginity after witnessing a fellow student and her attractive gym teacher having a heated moment in a storage room. She pursues and engages with an older man and the cute boy next door. Will she find what she's looking for?
Toshihiro, a photography school dropout, is obsessed with secretly photographing the lovely Seiko. He is in love with her and hopes to lose his virginity to her someday but is unaware that Seiko is attracted to him as well. After spying on her with one of her professors, Toshihiro becomes jealous and swears to forget about Seiko. As they both struggle with their sexual urges, a series of misadventures bring them closer together.
A young woman who escaped from prison is eventually captured and brought back. The evil warden decides to make her a pet project and tries to break her down with torture, gang rape and by turning her friends against her.
Three sketches each from a different director: (1) a dancer who is attracted to lesbians; (2) a call girl who is accosted by a cruel man; (3) a male transvestite - the hentai of the title - exposed at a sunny place.