"Bolang Libag" is a heartwarming Tagalog short film that tells the story of the unlikely romance between Bola and Libag. Bola is a reserved and introverted young man who spends most of his time working at a small convenience store. One day, he meets Libag, a vibrant and outgoing woman who is a regular customer at the store. Despite their differences in personality, Bola and Libag start to develop a connection and soon find themselves falling in love. "Bolang Libag" is a touching tale of love and self-discovery that will leave viewers feeling inspired and uplifted.
"Bolang Libag" is a heartwarming Tagalog short film that tells the story of the unlikely romance between Bola and Libag. Bola is a reserved and introverted young man who spends most of his time working at a small convenience store. One day, he meets Libag, a vibrant and outgoing woman who is a regular customer at the store. Despite their differences in personality, Bola and Libag start to develop a connection and soon find themselves falling in love. "Bolang Libag" is a touching tale of love and self-discovery that will leave viewers feeling inspired and uplifted.
Every dirt you take, every sweat you make, I’ll be watching you.
After his laptop is stolen, an aspiring rapper goes on a quest across the gentrifying streets of Toronto to find his music in time for the event that could change his life - a meeting with a Grammy Award-winning producer.
A young artist struggles to find purpose after his plans seemingly screech to a halt.
Kangourou is short pornographic film which I categorize as fleshfilm or fleshflick. Kangourou jumps from fantasy to reality as it follows the two protagonist Ryan Patrix and myself on an erotic train ride. I catch a glimpse of Ryan on the platform while he waits for his train. Once I board the train it’s a little unclear if the stranger, Patrix, is also onboard in the physical or if I invent our interaction. Patrix was not only a joy to work with but he is super sexy and smart, which gave me instant scene boners.
When personal and creative differences threaten to destroy a musical supergroup during the recording of an album, studio guitar player McQueen is brought in to smooth out the tracks. Soon he is reconsidering the direction of his life as he dreams of the elusive brass ring.
A girl wanders around Tokyo. Hesitant, she thinks about confessing her feelings towards her crush.
The struggles of a group of outcasts living in "Yentown", in an alternate-future Japan.
Chul, Seop, and Deok-kyu are desperate for just one performance, but even being on a club stage is hard. Im-jae, the freewheeling leader of the band always disappears. Deok-kyu who makes a living with rap wants to play only the blues, but people no longer listen to it. Near the end of the year, they go for a live club audition yearning for a chance. While enjoying their different performances, we meet the diverse realities those musicians face.
Manchester, 1976. Tony Wilson is an ambitious but frustrated local TV news reporter looking for a way to make his mark. After witnessing a life-changing concert by a band known as the Sex Pistols, he persuades his station to televise one of their performances, and soon Manchester's punk groups are clamoring for him to manage them. Riding the wave of a musical revolution, Wilson and his friends create the legendary Factory Records label and The Hacienda club.
Eli has an unusual relationship with music. When the music stops, that's when the voices begin.
Amos, delving into his past, embarks on a journey to relive the conversations he shared with his late friend Vogel. In these nostalgic reunions, Amos immerses himself in memories that hold the unique essence of their relationship. As the memories unfold, an intriguing mystery is unveiled: the encrypted question Vogel sought to answer, "How long do clouds live?".
The strong bond between two brothers is challenged when their chosen responsibilities set them at odds, with extraordinary consequences.
The painter Lili Elbe was the first person to have gender confirmation surgery in the 1930s. The homonymous opera is a glimpse into the life of Lili Elbe and her wife Gerda Wegener (also a famous painter) through Lili's transition at a time when such surgery was still completely uncharted territory.
Toxikarma, the critically renowned Aussie metalcore act, is currently in the studio recording their follow-up to their debut album. Creative and personal conflicts within the band are at an all-time high. Frontman and vocalist Nathaniel Upton is pushing for raw emotion, while lead guitarist Sawyer Clemons is set on achieving musical precision. But when Nathaniel's unique "creative process" for achieving authenticity takes a dangerous turn, the pot finally boils over...
Weighed down and despondent from crushing depression, Millie tries to escape the daily grind by deciding today will be different. However, she must first confront her trauma before it consumes her.
Steve Marriott is one of the British music scene's greatest vocalists. Midnight Of My Life is a poignant study of talent, aging and what success means.
A teenage boy and his mother are on the run. The father is violent and has a history of beating up his wife. They manage to get away from him and drive far away, until they arrive in a small town where they settle down. They rent a house from a nice man and soon they forget everything that has happened in the past, until the boy begins to have bad dreams of his father.