The story revolves around three characters Hasubhai (Siddharath Randeria), his daughter Kajal (Leena Shah) and his Manager Rasik (Ashish Bhatt). Having a typical Baniya mentality, Hasubhai wanted his daughter Kajal to marry his employee Rasik. However, Kajal is in love with an Ad film Maker. The laughter ride begins when Hasubhai and Rasik take the challenge to induce Kajal for marriage. Will Hasubhai and Rasik win the battle? To find out, watch this breathtaking humorous play. Starring: Siddharth Randeria, Ashish Bhatt, Sachi Joshi, Leena Shah, Rahul Patel, Suraj Vyas,Tanvi Abbas, Himanshu Upadhyay, Mulik Pathak, Krupa Chandera, Yatin Parmar Directed By Siddharth Randeria
Henry de Sacy, inveterate Don Juan, learns that he will inherit a million euros from his old aunt, on condition that he gets married within the year. As he refuses to depart from his love of women, his friend Norbert, a lawyer, offers him to marry a man. Thus he would respect his aunt's last wishes without losing his freedom. Seduced, Henri offers this unusual contract to his friend Dodo who is single and unemployed. But this marriage for the better will quickly turn into a nightmare...
Leonardo Oviedo is an ambitious theatre director, whose plays haven’t accomplished the success he dreamt of. Seeking for some recognition, he decides to write a play for four characters; a one-performance only, where all actors have to die onstage. On that matter, he casts an old has-been actor, who is an alcoholic, a fat actress, an endearing and intellectually disabled boy and a black actor, who has only been cast for the color of his skin. The play brings on a media hype never seen before, is an instant success and everyone is eager for the opening night. Whit defenders and detractors, the whole country talks about Leonardo Oviedo, and he will be willing to get to the very end, to fulfill this sickening artistic ideal.
Harold Pinter's play, "The New World Order" was first performed on July 19th 1991 at the Royal Court Theatre Upstairs, London. The following is Richard Corso's film adaptation starring Cody Dermon (as Des), Haydn Winston (as Lionel) and Tyler Compton (as Blindfolded Man).
A boy who was once a perpetual outcast finds friends in a new boarding school. United with his new peers, he gets involved in a heated rivalry with a group of students from a neighboring school.
A screenwriter gets conned out of selling a script to a Hollywood producer by his brother, who pitches his own idea for a movie. This video recording of the 1982 Steppenwolf Theatre Company production was later broadcast by PBS.
When Berke Landers, a popular high school basketball star, gets dumped by his life-long girlfriend, Allison, he soon begins to lose it. But with the help of his best friend Felix's sister Kelly, he follows his ex into the school's spring musical. Thus ensues a love triangle loosely based upon Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream", where Berke is only to find himself getting over Allison and beginning to fall for Kelly.
It's a crazy story. A happy journey to the epicenters of madness, the show parades portraits of a humanity of bipolar, paranoid and lost of all kinds, thugs and geniuses, surrounded by the dreams of pink rabbits in the hell of overwhelmed doctors ...
A group of young actors plays a reality show in a theater. Fiction imposes itself cruelly on reality while the characters devour their performers little by little. A labyrinth between the real and fictitious in which only one can remain.
Marcelline is an actress. Forty, single and childless, she begins rehearsals for Turgenev’s A Month in the Country. Denis, the director, admires her greatly and promises he’ll make her happy on stage — she will shine. But things don’t go to plan.
A young woman announces to the man she has lived with for ten years that she is leaving him ... and that she is leaving him for his best friend. But is it so easy to break up a couple and lose a friend? ... "