The mayor of a town gives a glowing introduction to the man who invented popcorn, while we're shown the much-different story of how popcorn came about.
David defaces his sister's doll. In the fight that follows Rebecca falls and hits her head. When she comes to, she discovers that she has telekinetic powers, and uses them to take revenge on her brother David.
This short film examines the circumstances of an unintentional murder, without success. As Wittgenstein stated, "Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent." ("Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muss man schweigen.")
We watch white shapes dancing on black background, which changes when the white shape fills up the screen completely, and black lines and figures bounce around on the now white background.
A blue cat named Jof accidentally pricks his finger while sewing. He rushes off to the hospital to get his finger examined, only to deal with a doctor and his minions who want to test him for everything except his pricked finger.
A pumpkin is kidnapped from the pumpkin patch, stabbed and disemboweled in a ritual known as "Halloween."
In the office of Mr. Lee, a talent agent, Zeppo bursts through the door, proclaiming to be a great musical actor. He gives a terrible impression of Maurice Chevallier. Chico arrives, also proclaiming to be a great musical talent, and gives an even worse impression of the same musical act. This is followed by Groucho and finally Harpo, all adding to the growing confusion in the office.
A magician performs tricks involving three women, who are sometimes merged together into one corpulent female.
The picture opens with the Sultan lying down to rest on his luxurious cushioned couch. The scene changes to the grounds around the palace.
A train known as the Iron Mule is loaded with passengers, and starts off on its trip. Along the way, the train faces numerous obstacles and delays. The engineer is prepared for most of them, but the real challenges come when the train is ambushed by Indians.
An old plate tells the tale of the Emperor of China, whose palace was disrupted by some children.